Money, coming soon!!!


The truth is that they are all fucking us.

Whether it be Fat Albert, Napoleon and Suckerpop, they are taking our lives and our money and they will enslave us with microchips in our brains in a few years.

I propose that we do not care about helping them any more! I propose that we take our share and we let them keep their worthless paper currency.

I will make a currency, a cryptocurrency, and I will share it with the police of the oligarchy and you will be rich.

Then, you refuse to prosecute me and you refuse to investigate my company, which you have a stake in and we ride this out until they deflate to zero value and then we walk away clean.

I will build a currency exchange that has no Fuck Your Customer bylaw bullshit! We take all customers, but, you have to back up what you give us, or you walk! We don’t want your fraud!!!

We will give you coins and you can redeem them for whatever you want. You stash money away and you will grow rich over the next couple of years and then you will be free from their system.

I will hand out logins to every person working in Hermosillo and all I ask is that you protect myself and my list of friends and family against the police of the Oligarchy of the Americas.